30 simple ways to expand this idea may help if your child does not have write access. But every child is a child. The whites of the company. We need to understand their nature. Before going to change it to what we want is a way through these various experiments and analysis of the test results for the works of scholars from around the world.
A. According to the eye.When you wake up, open your eyes. Let us look for a moment my eye is normal. Birth of a baby face recognition is always the first thing. Face and the faces of the parents is the first to want to remember. Every time I look at our faces. Remember that the brain is growing as well.
Two. Adds a child.It's time to talk to the children. Space with the simple words I can say that the last syllable of a word. Or the last sentence in the first months I am quiet and do it. But in the end, I make this oft-repeated phrase in the timing gradually to take a few words. And they began to talk to the parents would stop them.
Three. Wise is breast milk.Breastfeeding as long as possible. The study found that children of school age. When a child is breastfed babies often have higher IQ than children who were not breastfed. In addition, breast-feeding is a fundamental opportunity for building a relationship with the child.
4. A funny baby.Even just 2 days old baby has a can imitate simple facial expressions of parents can not believe you're funny, tongue, or put the child to follow.
Five. Magic mirror.Almost everyone likes to look in the mirror baby. He liked to see his own shadow in the mirror waving or smile every time I answer.
6. Tickle tickle.And 'the starting point for the development of a sense of humor. Children learn to play the uphill road on speculation that event. This suggests that if parents play what happens next. Crabs grow from where to where, etc..
7. A different picture.Image 2 is considered to be similar to the look. By placing the ball about 8-12 inches away from his face like a house as both. But there is a big tree next to the house. Even as a child, but he was able to notice the difference. Create a memory that will be the basis for the character recognition and the reading for the next ball.
Otto. Views together.Take their children out for a walk outdoors. And describe what you see as a child I love this tree with a bird perched on. See a ball on birds. Describing the sound environment to create opportunities for children to learn vocabulary.
9. It sounds strange.Cook performed a couple of monsters, or the child must imitate sloping children try to adjust the sound to sound different from their parents.
10. A fun song.Sound and rhythm between us and the less I like changing diapers. Sang to change the diaper. I may be short, then the low pitch singing. Or another way is to have different types of music, like listening to a little 'music, one day maybe. One day the music. Or pop music hits. The researchers found. Rhythm associated with learning the science of Ni.
11 °. It has more than just a shower.Bath time in the resort known for the various parts of the body or equipment used in the bathroom. To listen to the lessons they are doing and what to do next is to teach vocabulary. It allows children to learn about daily life in the.
12 °. Dedicated to toys.No need to buy expensive players and ball exercises. A father or mother to lie down on the floor. And let me try to crawl through. This body will become parents for the playground. The most fun for me to work with little muscle development. And learn to solve problems together.
13. I have to go shopping.Rarely took the child to the supermarket and it was not damaged. People in front of a wide range of light entertainment is Serbian for me, me.
14. Their children attend.I tried to participate in activities such as going to turn off the power if it could be said that the. I was going to go away. Then press the power switch. In this way, teach your child to learn cause and effect. Child will learn that when you press the switch. The lamp turns off.
15. The sound and feel of the breath.Perky little help with the wind blowing gently to the face, hands, arms, or abdomen. Finding your own rhythm in the dryer as soon as you switch to a different target and then followed by the imagination of the parents. Then wait for a response from the reactions.
16. Fabric of fun.If I pull the toilet paper off the roll, let him do it, but can not use toilet paper rolls that are used moderately. The rest of the paper is a bit '. Since the child is not crumpled or crushed and crumpled paper. Or folds flat for the training of the senses and hands as well.
17. Read books, listen to children.Reading helps children learn languages really looking for that. Even children aged 8 months to learn to recognize the order of words in a sentence adult read for you, so it must be repeated 2-3 times for each day reading to their children on a regular basis listen.
18. Peekaboo Play hide and seek.In addition to playing peekaboo I laughed. To help children learn that when something is missing, then back again.
19. Different twist.For items with a touch different fabrics, such as silk, wool, wood or cotton gradually to the surface of each of the cheek, the foot or the ball gently between my parents has been described to the public feeling was. However, this is not a touch of tickling. This section examines the shows so soft.
20. Their children, and relaxed with himself.For about 5-10 minutes each day to sit quietly on the floor with your child comfortable. Do not turn on or listen to music well. Let the children explore things like your parents, you do not need to mess with it and see if I can take my baby to crawl to get to play with my parents. This is a practice of self is the first step.
21. An album of family photos.Photos of relatives placed in the same album. And watch out for the recognition frequently than every person. Then the grandfather. Or call your grandmother. I brought out, in order to give the phone to hear your voice.
22. Meals fun.At a time when children are able to eat a lot more now. Do not forget the diet of specie.Usato in practice. And training in the use of sensory contact with food that looks different.
23. Guys like waste.Sometimes it seems that children who leave the ground repeatedly. This behavior is caused by the gravitational force that the child will fall to the ground every time or not.
24. Magic.Cartridge box or a similar one to three. Child's favorite toy and then hide it in a box. I can not remember the control panel. Go to the game before I can find. This is a simple brain training game for children.
25. A little 'difficult.Ability to stimulate the muscle to work to pack the sofa cushion, pillow or toy is on the floor. Then show how parents crawl through crawl through or around these obstacles, however.
26. Mimic the balls.The kids love them, as they sometimes imitate that of a child. The news of the empty bottle. The sound mimics the sound slurred. Or scan in a scan ball. This encourages children to show a different way because I see the response of the parents. This is the first step to be creative.
27. A strange face.I do not feel like a frown languages exposed to view. The time I saw my parents do comedy. I'd try a little '. Let the children try to capture the faces of their parents. Then create some conditions, such as if the nose to the sound of this. If the nerve to do the opposite, 3-4, then switch to the other conditions to be surprised.
28. Designed by the Klan.Try to sneak around the house to play with it as soon as I crawled slowly and pause or play the parents may be of interest. Or in some corner of the house before I go crawling with children to explore the various points that are provided.
Route 29. Emotions.Bringing a child around the house on a rainy day. Pass the ball to touch the damp cold. Droplets on the leaves of trees or any other material home safely. Under the child feel different when you touch something cold, wet or slippery.
30. It tells the story of children.Choose tales for your children. But instead I was told that. Try replacing the name of the protagonist of the story. So I was surprised and a little 'fun with his name in a story